About the company

We create a platform for automated communications that solves 3 issues: intellectuality, functionality and agent fault-tolerance to become a leader in a development field integration and its application in Eastern Europe.

We have already managed to launch several successful businesses ranging from providing server equipment rental services to IP communication services. The team of experienced DevOps was initially strengthened by professional VOIP engineers and in 2016 software and machine learning developers joined the team. The team uses SCRUM framework.

The story and main steps


The idea of creating a voice agent able to conduct a dialogue with a client. The development team was built and MVP was made.

4 – person team


We collected several cases for introducing agents and spoke for the first time at the NAPCA conference with the voice agent abilities demonstration. We signed the first major contract.

10 – person team


We entered new markets and increased call amount by 3 times. We created a Microservice infrastructure with horizontal scaling ability and high fault-tolerance. We introduce the voice recognition, speech synthesis, emotions and gender definition and analytics service.

17 – person team


Improved omnichannel: now bots can lead customers in different channels. Made it possible to integrate into all popular messengers and leading CRM-systems.

28 – person team


We added multilingualism to the platform and entered the international market.

43 – person team


Attracted investments from CapMan Russia and entered the VOXYS group of companies.

67 – person team



To occupy 70% of the Russian automated contact center services market.

Strengthen your position in the USA and European countries.

100 – person team


We pay special attention to the security and protection of our intellectual property.
We regularly analyze development trends and make a competitive analysis of well-known technologies preventing any possibility of violations of third person’s rights or a waste of time on “unnecessary” developments.
We ensure the safety of all decisions within the company, carefully resolve the intellectual rights and information confidentiality issues.
We promptly prepare all the main technical solutions for registration as inventions and computer programs, create long-term plans for entering foreign markets and submit foreign and international requests.
We strive for the quality protection of our brand negotiating with international organizations.

At present, 4 Russian patents for the invention «Voice robotic question-answer system and the method of its automatic interaction with an electronic user» have been received, protecting its various aspects, and 1 patent has been received and is in the process of examination. Eurasian application for an invention «Automated information-voice question-answer system».

3 computer programs and 2 trademarks «TWIN» are registered.

"Uralinnovation" LLC is included in the register of accredited organizations operating in the field of information technology (Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 430 dated 31.08.2020).

"Uralinnovation" LLC is included in the register of operators processing personal data No. 66-21-007184.

"Uralinnovation" LLC is included in the register of domestic software manufacturers (registry entry No. 11009 dated July 9, 2021 by order of the RF Ministry of Digital Development No. 680 dated July 6, 2021).

On examination
On examination (1)
Received (10)


Uralinnovation LLC is included in the register of operators processing personal data No. 66-21-007184